Admission 2024-25
ruia lank

Admission Policy



Name of the organization: S. P. Mandali’s Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College

Policy Number: RRAC-AdminP-1/1

Section: Criterion 1,2

Title of the Policy: Admission- criterion and procedure


Effective Date : 20th May 2021
Last Revision Date: ---
Responsible Party: Vice Principal (Academics)
Scope and Audience : Students, Administrative staff and Faculty
Additional Authority : Principal, Management, IQAC

Policy Title: Admission Policy


Administrative Policy Number (APN): RRAC-AdminP-1/1

Functional Area: Criterion 1,2


Brief Description of the Policy: 

This policy is for effective, fair and smooth implementation of admission process for different courses offered by the College that reflects the institution’s values, goals and mission of offering affordable and inclusive education to all sections of society including various differently privileged groups



Dr. Varsha Shukla, Dr. Sucheta Ketkar


Policy Applies to: 

Admission to Higher education courses


Effective from the Date: 

20th May 2021


Approved by: 

IQAC, Dean Academics


Responsible Authority

Vice Principal Academics


Superseding Authority

Principal, Management, IQAC


Last Reviewed/ Updated: 



Reason for the policy

To elaborate and define the admission process for all graduate, post graduate and PhD programs offered by the College.


References for the policy

University  of Mumbai guidelines for admission; University of Mumbai  guidelines for eligibility; reservation policies laid down by Govt of Maharashtra; Enrolment process and criteria specified by University of Mumbai; Resolutions passed in Governing Body of Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College



1.           Policy Purpose and objectives:

Clear and defined policy and process for admission to various courses of the College is crucial for fair, smooth and error free administration of the College and also plays a critical role in quality assurance of the institution. This policy will provide guidelines for defining eligibility criterion, identifying academic gaps, granting admission to students for the various courses and implementing reservation policy. It will also lay down Standard operating procedures for the admission process up to completion of enrolment at the affiliated University and also regarding cancellation of admission.  



·               To define the eligibility criterion for all courses offered by the College

·               To specify the prerequisites in form of documentary evidence of eligibility for admission, avail seats reserved under different criterion, avail fee concessions for admission to courses offered by the College

·               To specify the process of admission to different programs offered by the College

·                To create confidence in the students and other stakeholders that the system is transparent, fair and not cumbersome

2.         Introduction:

Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College is known for holistic and value-based approach to education with experiential wisdom. The College has implemented the ‘Choice Based Credit & Grading System’ as part of its Autonomous status and offers

·               Three Year Degree programs- BA, BSc, BA - Communication and Media (Formally known as BMM) and BVoc

·               Postgraduate Programs- MSc by Papers, MSc by Research

·               5-year Integrated Master’s program in Bioanalytical Sciences

·               PhD Programs in Science and Arts

The College offers a wide range of options at the undergraduate level. The combinations are offered according to requisite number of students in a subject as sanctioned by the parent University. One distinctive feature of the College is the Marathi Medium Division in BA program that caters to regional needs.


The Arts faculty comprises 11 departments as under:



1.             Commerce (3 units)

2.            Economics

3.            English

4.            French

5.            Hindi

6.            History

7.            Philosophy

8.           Political Science

9.            Marathi

10.        Sanskrit

11.         Psychology (up to SYBA)

Permanently Non-grant basis

12.        BA - Communication and Media (English Medium)

13.        BA - Communication and Media (Marathi Medium)

14.        Psychology (only at TYBA)


The Science faculty comprises of the following departments:


1.             Botany

2.            Chemistry

3.            Life Science

4.            Mathematics

5.            Microbiology

6.            Physics

7.            Statistics

8.           Zoology

Permanently Non-grant basis

9.          Bioanalytical Science (Stand Alone Program)

10.        Biochemistry

11.         Biotechnology (Stand Alone Program)

12.        Computer Science (Stand Alone Program)


The DDU KAUSHAL Kendra of Ruia College offers B.Voc programs in the following subjects:

·               Pharma Analytical Sciences

·               Tourism and Travel Management

3.         Policy Statement:

1.             Admission policy is for effective, fair and smooth implementation of admission process for different programs offered by the College that reflects the institution’s values, goals and mission of offering affordable and inclusive education to all sections of society including various differently privileged groups

2.            Admission to various courses/Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses is strictly on the basis of merit.

3.            The College follows the guidelines for reservation of seats as prescribed by the Government of Maharashtra for admission to various courses.

4.            Admission to the College does not guarantee admission to all courses. Courses and programs may have specific prerequisites and/or requirements. Select programs may also have additional requirements for admission.

5.            An applicant may simultaneously apply for admission to more than one course.

4.         Definitions

Program: An educational programme leading to award of a Degree, diploma or certificate

Course: Usually referred to, as ‘papers’ is a component of a programme. All courses need not carry the same weight in terms of credits. A course may be designed to comprise lectures/ tutorials/laboratory work/ field work/ project work/ vocational training/viva/ seminars/ term papers/assignments/ presentations/ self-study etc. or a combination of some of these.

Admission: A student’s first acceptance by the institution to any program/ course. It does not include acceptance into a particular course, program or department.

Enrolment: Completion of registration at University of Mumbai after admission to College and allotment of a Permanent Registration Number (PRN)

Aided Program: A course that gets financial aid from the government

Permanently Non- Grant basis program: A course that does not receive grant from the government and is self-financed

Stand Alone Course: A self-financed course that is not choice based and is run independently by the department for all the credits gathered by the student through the six semesters of UG program/ ten semesters of integrated PG program.




Section (I)


Admission at S.P.MANDALI’S RAMNARAIN RUIA AUTONOMOUS COLLEGE, MATUNGA, MUMBAI-400019 will be done as per the procedure given below:


1.             All admissions will be done made as per the rules and regulations passed by the Governing Body of Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Matunga, Mumbai.

2.            The College uses the ‘Details of eligibility criteria’ published by University of Mumbai as a basic guideline for admission.

3.   An online application form for admission to college will be made available on the college website 

4.            College will publish an admission schedule on the college website.

5.            Student has to fill the online application form, upload the signature and the photo of self and submit the form online.

6.            Students will have to be present at the Counselling and Admission desk set up at the College according to the schedule published on the website.

7.            The student will have to submit the printout of admission form with signature of self and parent, along with the prescribed documents to the admitting authority. The authority will allot the course/subject combination to the student on the basis of merit.

8.           The verification of the documents will be done at the time of admission. If the documents are found to be not consistent with information provided online the name in the Merit List stands cancelled.

9.            Admission process is complete only after payment of fees for the course allotted by admitting authority within the time prescribed by the College.



Section (II)

Admissions to Under Graduate Courses

A.          Procedure for admission to First Year B.A./B.Sc./ B.Voc.:

1.             The procedure described in Section (I) will be applicable to all students applying for UG programs of the College.

2.            Eligibility criterion for programs offered by the College:

A student who passes his standard XIIth examination from Science stream can apply to B.Sc., B.A., B.A. (Communication and Media) and all B.Voc. courses. But a student from Arts stream can apply only to B.A., B.A. (Communication and Media) and B.Voc. (TTM) course only. Students from Commerce stream can apply for B.Voc (TTM) B.A. and B.A. (Communication and Media).

Specific requirements:


Sr. No.

Stream of HSC examination

Desired Graduate program in the subject

Mandatory Subjects at HSC examination



Biotechnology, Bioanalytical Science

Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry



Chemistry, Microbiology, Botany, Zoology, Life Science,

Biology, Chemistry



Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science

Physics, Mathematics



PAS, Biochemistry

Biology, Chemistry



Mathematics, Statistics



3.            Pre-registration at University portal: Any student applying for first year admission will have to enrol on the University of Mumbai’s online portal and select Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College in that form. Students need to pre-register separately for every program on the University portal.

4.            A student may apply to more than one program offered by the college. Separate form must be filled for Aided programs, Permanently Non-Grant Basis programs and Stand-Alone programs.

5.            A student may give preference to a particular combination of subject while filling up the enrolment form of the University and the Ruia online form, but the final allotment will be done by the admitting authority on the basis of the merit and availability of the seats allotted to a particular combination.

6.            Preference will be given to students of Ramnivas Ruia Junior College (in-house) for admission to aided science and arts programs

7.            There is NO preference to in-house students for Permanently Non-Grant Basis Courses and Stand-Alone programs.

8.           Reservation Policy: The College follows the Reservation Policy of Government of Maharashtra in admission process.

9.            Confirmation of admission to a program is subject to completion of the Enrolment process and granting of a PRN by the parent University.


B.          Procedure for admission to Second Year B.A./B.Sc/ B.Voc.:


(1)       For the in-house students:

i.              The procedure described in Section (I) will be applicable to in-house students.

ii.           Eligibility criteria for a student, to be admitted in Semester IV of UG programs is as per guidelines prescribed by University of Mumbai

iii.         Subject combinations will be allotted on merit in Programs/ Courses when number of sanctioned seats exceeds number of students preferring the course. The merit list is based on the marks obtained by students in the subject of interest in the semester 1 and 2. In case of a tie, SGPA of the student will be considered. If the tie is still not resolved, aggregate % at the HSC examination will be considered.

iv.          Students of Aided courses in BA will be able to choose any of the Applied Component subject offered by the College; allotment of the subject will be done as per the merit and the number of available seats in that subject.


(2)      For students from other colleges:

i.              Admission to students from other colleges to second year would be subject to availability of seats and overall merit of the student.

ii.           Admission would also be subject to credit matches and course mapping done by the expert committee appointed by the College.

iii.         Students will have to submit relevant documents specifying marks, conversion of marks, University enrolment number (PRN), transfer certificate, eligibility certificate, NOC form the current institution etc. well in time, failing which confirmation of admission cannot be given by the College 


C.          Procedure for the Third Year B.A./B.Sc./ B.Voc.:


(1)       For the in-house students:

i.              The procedure described in Section (I) will be applicable to in-house students.

ii.           Eligibility criteria for a student, to be admitted in Semester V of UG programs is as per guidelines prescribed by University of Mumbai

iii.         Subject/ subject combinations will be allotted on merit in Programs/ Courses when number of sanctioned seats exceeds number of students preferring the course. The merit list will be based on the marks obtained by students in the subject of interest in the Semester 3 and Semester 4. If there is a tie, then the marks obtained by students in the First Year (Semester 1 and Semester 2) will be considered. If the tie is still not resolved, SGPA of Semester 4 of the student will be considered.

iv.          Students of Aided courses in BSc and students of BSc (Biochemistry) will be able to choose any of the Applied Component subject offered by the College; allotment of the subject will be done as per the merit and the number of available seats in that subject.

v.             Merit lists for admission to the T.Y.B.A. Psychology course will be as per the reservation policy of Govt. of Maharashtra and the marks scored by the student in Psychology in Semester 3 and Semester 4. If there is a tie, then the marks obtained by students in the First Year (Semester 1 and Semester 2) in Psychology will be considered. If the tie is not resolved, SGPA of Semester 4 will be considered.


(2)      For students from other colleges:

i.              Admission to students from other colleges to third year would be subject to availability of seats and overall merit of the student.

ii.           Admission would also be subject to credit matches and course mapping done by the expert committee appointed by the College.

iii.         Students will have to submit relevant documents specifying marks, conversion of marks, University enrolment number (PRN), transfer certificate, eligibility certificate, NOC form the current institution etc. well in time, failing which confirmation of admission cannot be given by the College.


(3)      For students desiring to double graduation:

     i.         The procedure described in Section (I) will be applicable to all students desiring to do a double graduation and procedure in Section (II) C 2 will also be applicable to students from other colleges desiring to do a double graduation at Ruia College.

  ii.         Admission to third year for double graduation would be subject to availability of seats and overall merit of the student.

iii.         Admission to a course is subject to accumulation of desired credits in that subject by the student up to the SY level and shall have passed Semester I, II, III and IV.

 iv.         Students desiring to do double graduation in Science will have to select an Applied Component other than the one they opted for in the previous graduation.



Section (II)

Post Graduate Admissions

A.          Procedure for M.Sc. Part 1

1.             The procedure described in Section (I) will be applicable to students desiring admission to PG programs offered by the College.


2.            The specialisation and its eligibility is given below:



Bioanalytical Sciences



B.Sc. (Chemistry) with minimum 62 credits or B.Sc in any Biological Science with a minimum of 30 credits in Chemistry





B.Sc with minimum 16 credits in Biochemistry




B.Sc.  (Biotechnology) minimum 120 credits in Biotechnology



Molecular Biology, Cytogenetics & Plant Biotechnology 

B.Sc. (Botany) minimum 62 credits in Botany




B.Sc. (Chemistry)

minimum 62 credits in Chemistry





Computer Science (CS)


B.Sc. (CS/IT) minimum 120 credits in CS/IT


Information Technology (IT)


B.Sc. (CS/IT) minimum 120 credits in CS/IT


Life science


B.Sc in Life science/ Microbiology/ Zoology/Botany with minimum of 62 credits in the respective subject




B.Sc. (Microbiology) minimum 62 credits in Microbiology




B.Sc. (Physics) minimum 62 credits in Physics





B.Sc. (Zoology) minimum 62 credits in Zoology

Animal Physiology



  1. Bioanalytical Science and Life Science (for non-Life Science graduates) will have an entrance test. Details of the entrance test will be published on the website. 
  2. A merit list will be prepared based the marks of Semester 5 and Semester 6 of the Major subject provided by the students in the online form (and scores of entrance test wherever applicable). If results of majority of colleges and universities are not declared, College will consider Semester V marks only.
  3. In case of a tie of marks, CGPA will be considered. If tie is still not resolved, then the marks of Semester 3 and 4 in the relevant subject may be considered.
  4. Students from other universities should submit the eligibility from University of Mumbai at the time of admission.
  5. Students who wish to apply for M.Sc. Part I Chemistry are required to fill separate forms for specialised branches of Chemistry, viz. Inorganic, Analytical, Physical and Organic Chemistry.
  6. Student may apply for more than one subject if he/she fulfils the eligibility criteria. 
  7. Confirmation of admission to a program is subject to completion of the Enrolment process and granting of a PRN by the parent University.


  1. Procedure for M.Sc. Part 2
  2. The procedure described in Section (I) will be applicable to all students eligible for admission in M.Sc. Part 2 after the Semester 2 examination. 




Prof. Dr. Anushree Lokur
