Faculty Achievements
Dr. Sachin Palekar - List of Publications
Patent (1) Granted
Biodegradable Sanitary Article - Inventors: Dr. Sachin Palekar, Ms. Revati Gajendragadkar, Ms. Mithila Joshi, and Ms. Arpita Chitre (Indian Patent Application No 201921051835).
Original Research Articles
- Gauri Risbud, Sandhya Menon, Sachin Palekar et al. "Method Development and Validation of Thymol from Trachyspermum ammi using HPLC" - Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry, 2024.
- Shifa Khan, Shreya Thakker, Prajyot Mali, Vijay Kumar Munipalli, Ashok Kumar, Sachin Palekar. "Development and validation of a RP-HPLC method for the estimation of Abrocitinib in tablet dosage form" - World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2023.
- Gauri Risbud*, Pralhad Rege, Sayali Kadge, Sachin Palekar, Deepika Jain. "Solvent standardization of Mucuna pruriens leaf extracts for content of tannins and evaluation of potency against K. pneumoniae" - World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2023.
- Deepika Jain, Sayali Kadge, Pralhad Rege, Gauri Risbud, Sachin Palekar. "Standardization of solvent for extraction of tannins and evaluation of antimicrobial activity of Moringa oleifera leaves" - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 2023.
- Menon Sandhya, Pius Jessy, Palekar Sachin et al. "Effect of plant-derived epinephrine on Saccharomyces cerevisiae" - Research Journal of Biotechnology, 2021.
- Palekar Sachin; Patel Behnaz; Girish Nandini; Menon Sandhya, Rapid GC-MS based Phytochemical Profiling of Extracts of Germinating Seeds of Dolichos lablab Linn. Journal of Plant Science Research. 2020, Vol. 36 Issue 1/2, p77-84. 8p.
- Joshi Omkar, Palekar Sachin, Menon Pranav, Pote Siddhesh, Rahate Prathamesh, Simple Device For Facilitating Surgical Illumination, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), Vol.12 No. 10, (2021) pp.234-219
- PCR Based Detection of Insulin Like Protein from Dolichos lablab L. P Sachin, P Behnaz, AD Anjali, L Anushree - Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, 2020 Vol. 16 No. 2 2020, pp. 81-85 ISSN 1997-0838
- Dr. Sachin Palekar, Dr. Behnaz Patel, "Study of insulin like proteins from edible leguminous plant: Dolichos lablab LINN.", IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, Volume.6, Issue 2, Page No pp.576-582, May 2019
- Sachin Palekar and Anushka Joshi, Standardization of ova Ark: An effort to standardize formulation from grandma’s pouch, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2019), Page no. 4801-4806
- Shruti Joshi, Nandini Girish, Sachin Palekar and Sandhya Menon Testing the Anti-microbial Activity of the Extracts of Dried Kokum (Garcinia indica) as a Potential Bio-preservative Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2
- Sachin Palekar, Yash Gangal, Sandhya Menon, Nandini Girish, A Novel Approach for Preparation and Evaluation of Dhoopana Formulation, Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 1-page no. 492- 499
- Nandini Girish, Sachin Palekar, Vikas Vaidya & Manjiri Shinde, Phytochemical Profiling of Wagatea spicata Using GC-MS to reveal the pharmacological significance International Journal of Current Research, Issue, 12, pp.62197-62204, December, 2017 ISSN: 0975-833X
- Sachin Palekar, Behnaz Patel, Vinaya Rane, Digvijaysinh Chauhan, Ajit Patil and Shreya Patwardhan, Intra-Species Protein Variation Studies on Dolichos lablab Linn. International Journal of Current Research, 9, (11), 61154-61160
- Sachin Palekar, Behnaz Patel, Vinaya Rane, Digvijaysinh Chauhan, Ajit Patil and Shreya Patwardhan, Intraspecific physicochemical & biochemical variation in Dolichos lablab Linn. International Journal of Botany Studies ISSN: 2455-541X Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12, Volume 2; Issue 6; November 2017; Page No. 137-143
- Nikita Lad & Sachin Palekar, Preparation, and evaluation of Herbal Dhoop for cleansing the air Volume 4, Issue 6, Part B (2016), International Journal of Herbal Medicine (NAAS Rating: 3.20) ISSN: 2321-2187
- Kanchan C, Sachin P, Dhanashree K, Dhanashri M Evaluation of Syzygium cumini Linn. Seed Formulations Available in the Market Using Spectrophotometric and Chromatographic Techniques Vol.3, Issue 02; February, 2012 Issue of International Journal of Pharmaceutical sciences and Research (An Official Publication of Society of Pharmaceutical sciences and Research). ICV (2010) - 4.57, ISSN: 0975-8232
Book Chapters (04)
- Gauri Risbud, Sayali Kadge, Pralhad Rege and Sachin Palekar (2023) Proximate evaluation and estimation of tannins having anti-microbial potential from Mucuna pruriens and Moringa oleifera leaf extracts. Research Trends in Plant Science, 102 – 110, Bhumi Publishing , India
- Patwardhan, S., Palekar, S., Wagh, N. S., & Lakkakula, J. (2023). Extended Investigation Processes in Advanced Wastewater Treatment for Water Reuse. Membrane and Membrane-Based Processes for Wastewater Treatment, 129-152. Imprint CRC Press
- Palekar, S., Menon, S., Girish, N., Wagh, N. S., & Lakkakula, J. (2023). Microalgae as Biological Cleanser for Wastewater Treatment. In Phycoremediation Processes in Industrial Wastewater Treatment (pp. 43-55). CRC Press.
- Palekar, S., Dhavale, M., Girish, N., Wagh, N., & Lakkakula, J. Mutagenesis: A Useful Tool for the Genetic Improvement of the Cultivated Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Biotechnologies and Genetics in Plant Mutation Breeding (pp. 115-136). Apple Academic Press.
- Sachin Palekar Manasi Kadam, Gaurav Thombare, Shivani Niphadkar, Mitali Kamble, Sandhya Menon (2023) Comparative analysis of effect of Baking and Frying on Millet based Biscuits (Shankarpali),an Indian Tea time snack.Millets 2023" A transdisciplinary approach to its resurgence and sustainability.(pp 371-377). Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
- Deeksha, S., Deeksha, J., Pragati, N., Siddhesh, B., Palekar, S., & Risbud, G. (2023). Safety Assessment of Consumption of Proso Millet and Milk (A case study with Ayurveda perspective). MILLETS–2023: A Transdisciplinary Approach to its Resurgence and Sustainability, 246.
Dr. Nandini Girish - List of Publications Original Research Articles
- Nandini Girish, Sachin Palekar, Vikas Vaidya & Manjiri Shinde, Phytochemical Profiling of Wagatea spicata Using GC-MS to reveal the pharmacological significance International Journal of Current Research, Issue, 12, pp.62197-62204, December, 2017 ISSN: 0975-833X,
- Nandini Girish, Akshay Charegaonkar, Vikas Vaidya. Phytochemical Marker Based Quality Evaluation of Wagatea spicata using HPTLC and LCMS, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 2018; 5(3) (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138).
- Nandini G and Vikas Vaidya. Isolation of active constituents from Wagatea spicata using preparative HPTLC and structural elucidation using FTIR and NMR and GCMS techniques. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(4):805-810.
- Nandini Girish , Vikas Vaidya , and Seema Sapale Development and Validation of a GC- MS with SIM Method for the simultaneous estimation of 13 docosenamide, n-tetracosanol-1 and squalene from the leaf extracts of Wagatea spicata, Journal Plant Science Research,2020;36(1-2),295-302
- Nandini, G. , & Vikas, V. (2020). Development and Validation of a Simple HPLC PDA Method for the Simultaneous Analysis of 13Docosenamide, Squalene and n-Tetracosanol-1 from the Leaf Extracts of Wagatea spicata. Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry,16 (3), 5-13.
- Shruti Joshi1 *, Nandini Girish2, Sachin Palekar3 and Sandhya Menon4 Testing the Anti-microbial Activity of the Extracts of Dried Kokum (Garcinia indica) as a Potential Bio-preservative Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2
- Menon Sandhya, Pius Jessy, Palekar Sachin and G. Nandini, Effect of plant derived epinephrine on Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Research Journal of Biotechnology 2021 Vol.16 Issue 10 pp. 9-12.
- Palekar Sachin; Patel Behnaz; Girish Nandini; Menon Sandhya, Rapid GC-MS based Phytochemical Profiling of Extracts of Germinating Seeds of Dolichos lablab Linn. Journal of Plant Science Research. 2020, Vol. 36 Issue 1/2, p77-84. 8p.
- Dr. Sachin Palekar, Dr. Behnaz Patel, "Study of insulin like proteins from edible leguminous plant: Dolichos lablab LINN.", IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, Volume.6, Issue 2, Page No pp.576-582, May 2019
- Sachin Palekar1 Yash Gangal2 Sandhya Menon3 Nandini Girish4 A Novel Approach for Preparation and Evaluation of Dhoopana Formulation, Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 1-page no. 492- 499
Book Chapters (04)
- Palekar, S., Menon, S., Girish, N., Wagh, N. S., & Lakkakula, J. (2023). Microalgae as Biological Cleanser for Wastewater Treatment. In Phycoremediation Processes in Industrial Wastewater Treatment (pp. 43-55). CRC Press.
- Palekar, S., Dhavale, M., Girish, N., Wagh, N., & Lakkakula, J. Mutagenesis: A Useful Tool for the Genetic Improvement of the Cultivated Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). In Biotechnologies and Genetics in Plant Mutation Breeding (pp. 115-136). Apple Academic Press.
Dr. Madhura Dhavale - Publications
"Structural and functional analysis of the role of the chaperonin CCT in mTOR complex assembly." by Jorge Cuellar, WILLIAM LUDLAM, Nicole Tensmeyer, Takuma Aoba, Madhura Dhavale, Cesar Santiago, M. Bueno-Carrasco, Michael Mann, Rebecca Plimpton, Aman Makaju, Sarah Franklin, Barry Willardson, and José Valpuesta [Paper #NCOMMS-19-06289B]
Ms. Anushka Joshi - Publications
Sachin Palekar and Anushka Joshi, Standardization of ova Ark: An effort to standardize formulation from grandma’s pouch, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2019), Page no. 4801-4806.