Best Practices
Best Practice 1:
1. Sustainable Living
2. Objectives of the Practice
Ruia College became a signatory to the UN-SDG Accord. It aims to sensitise students towards sustainability and make them responsible global citizens.
3. The Context
The Ruia SDG Committee was created to work toward achieving SDG targets. It focused on working on the theme of Coastal Sustainability (SDG 14) for the year 2022-23
4. The Practice-
Beach cleaning activity at Dadar beach, was organised to commemorate 75th Independence Day of India. 188 volunteers and Faculty participated and collected 1937 kg of waste from the beach and the sea. 110 participants attended a session organised on ‘Coastal Sustainability and Biodiversity of Mumbai Coast’.
Three films on coastal sustainability were screened, followed by a panel discussion and enthusiastic students’ participation.
5. Evidence of Success-
SDG has become a part of curriculum in many subjects ensuring continued awareness amongst students. Beach cleaning activity and Film screening and discussion helped students understand their role in coastal sustainability and emphasised how they can contribute towards it.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
Managing time for these activities with the regular schedule of teaching-learning, is a big challenge.
7. Notes
SDG participation can be implemented across institutions and collaborative initiatives can be undertaken towards achieving targets laid down by the UN.
Best Practice: 2 Upskilling and Capacity Building training for faculty
Objectives of the Practice:
Developing and strengthening the skills or sustaining a culture of teaching excellence; advancing new initiatives in teaching and learning; and supporting individual faculty members.
The Context
Emerging challenges and implementation of NEP 2020 have necessitated upskilling to thrive in a fast-changing world.
The Practice
Ruia College conducted Upskilling and Capacity Building training for faculty in innovative Pedagogy and Leadership in collaboration with Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune and Maharashtra State Faculty Development Academy (MSFDA) under the Maharashtra State Development of Educators and Enhancement in Delivery (MSDEED) program. and also organised training programs for creating emotion friendly environment and developing progressive emotions in self and students under Pradnya Parisar Prakalpa
Evidence of Success
Upskilling and Capacity Building training organised for faculty in innovative Pedagogy and Leadership in collaboration IISER, Pune and MSFDA under the MSDEED program resulted in Eight faculty members becoming Master trainers for the program. Also MSDEED-MSFDA website mentions Ruia College as one of their first collaborators.
One of the faculties was selected to design a course in UNs program titled ‘Open education for a better world’ on awareness for Antimicrobial resistance, as per SDG 3 and SDG 12, open globally to all. He presented this course in a symposium in Slovenia.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required
Capacity building requires a longer period.
Sustainable Living
2. Objectives of the Practice
Ruia College became a signatory to the UN-SDG Accord. It aims to sensitize students towards sustainability and make them responsible global citizens.
3. The Context
The Ruia SDG Committee was created to work toward achieving SDG targets. It published Ruia SDG pledge emphasizing its solidarity towards SDG and focused on Waste Management for the year 2021-22
4. The Practice-
Activities conducted include, 4 day workshop on Kitchen Gardening, Kitchen Waste Management, Aquaponics and Drying of Flowers, a webinar on Avoiding Single Use Plastic, ZeroWaste Campaign and 5 days Basic computer skills workshop(SDG 04). College also signed a contract with PadCare Company for sanitary napkin disposal and its recycling.
5. Evidence of Success-
SDG has become a part of curriculum in many subjects ensuring continued awareness amongst students. ZeroWaste campaign saw 277 participants, avoiding single use plastic webinar had 100. .4 days workshops on Kitchen & waste management had 80 participants, 15 needy students, participated in the computer skilling workshop.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
7. Notes (optional) Please add any other information that may be relevant for adopting/ implementing the Best Practice in other institutions-
SDG participation can be implemented across institutions and collaborative initiatives can be undertaken towards achieving targets laid down by the UN.
Best Practice: 2
1. Title of the Practice:
Well -being of students
2.Objectives of the Practice:
Cater to the physical, mental, and emotional well -being of students, learn to deal/seek support for their emotional difficulties
3. The Context
Emerging challenges have necessitated Ruia College to collaborate with ‘Heartful campus to conduct activities for the past 2yrs focusing on holistic and balanced living and overall wellbeing of students
The Practice
Heartfulness Institute along with the Centre for Mindfulness and well-being conducted 10 days program in the month of September and October respectively. PG and UG students attended all sessions. The themes were stress management, personal excellence, nurturing meaningful connections, development of self and social-awareness and Instilling universal human values.
4. Evidence of Success
Students understood the importance of a calm and stable mind, significance of self-awareness, concentration and appropriate usage of personal insights/intuitions in difficult situations to excel in life. Session of Practice was successful in explaining meditation and its different types.
5. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
Offline or in person sessions will more effectively implement the practice.
Ruia College website link for SDG Committee
Recording link of webinar of ‘Avoidance of Single Use Plastic- Awareness and Alternatives’
Computer Skill Development

College 1: Zero Waste October Campaign
College 2 Webinar-Avoidance of Single Use Plastic
College 3 Workshops on Waste Management
Best Practices 2020-21
Best Practice 1:
Sustainable Living
2. Objectives of the Practice
Ruia College became signatory to the UN-SDG Accord. It aims to sensitize students
towards sustainability and make them responsible global citizens.
3. The Context
Creating awareness of SDG among the stakeholders is very important. However during pandemic hands on projects could not be performed
4. The Practice
Ruia College is one of the first 6% of colleges that signed the UN Accord in 2020. Under SDG 04, 11, 15 students participated in projects and workshops on waste management, composting, webinars on forest conservation, natural products. This created awareness among students and enhanced their knowledge beyond syllabus.
5. Evidence of Success
Departments included SDG in the curriculum. 576 students and 104 faculty participated in 5-Days workshop on SDG related topics. Students started small neighborhood projects in composting, waste segregation, energy audits, awareness campaigns and presented projects at convention and won prizes.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
The major problem was the pandemic that pushed most of the activities in the virtual world. Nevertheless, interest in the SDG was kept alive through various online activities.
7. Notes (optional) Please add any other information that may be relevant for adopting/ implementing the Best Practice in other institutions
SDG participation can be implemented across institutions and collaborative initiatives can be undertaken towards achieving targets laid down by the UN.
SDG : Click Here
Best Practice 2:
- Title of the Practice:
Alumni Engagement
2. Objectives of the Practice
Foster alumni connect so that students can expand their professional network, inculcate the sense of giving back to Alma Mater
3. The Context
The challenging issues were creating a database of alumni, contacting the alumni and having constraints with their time availability.
4.The Practice
The Ruia alumni were invited for following academic activities
- Engaging lectures, curriculum development, designing certificate courses
- Contributing to placements and internships
- Providing annual curriculum feedback
- Being members of BoS
- Providing funds in organizing various academic programs, infrastructure development
- Honouring eminent Ruiaites as ‘The Jewel of Ruia’ and `The Rising Star’
5. Evidence of Success
- Incorporated suggestions for curriculum development
- Organised Expert Lectures in entrepreneurship, skill development and competitive exams
- Assisted in internships and placements
- Funded lectures,workshops and infrastructure development
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
The main challenge was to trace the alumni to connect with them.
Best Practice:1: Use of ICT in Academics and Governance
Objectives of the Practice:
It was a two-pronged objective; one was to achieve ease of transaction, transparency, and better governance through the use of ICT and the second was to use it in the teaching and learning process. The intended outcome was to bring our faculty as well as students abreast of global pedagogical tools.
The Context
ICT has made a mark in all fields of governance, pedagogy and administration. We need to take steps in taking everyone in that direction. The major challenge is to change the mindset and accept new things. So while designing and implementing this practice we took into confidence our office staff as well as teaching staff.
The Practice
Activity: To fulfil these goals, the college conducted a workshop on Digital Literacy on 22 May 2020 for 44 office staff. The admission processes were partially made online. The Institution procured Microsoft Teams for conducting lectures, meetings, and webinars.
A Short-Term Course on E-content development under RUSA in association with HRDC UGC, University of Mumbai was conducted from 19 to 25 November 2019, 31Faculty members attended it. A 3-days workshop on How to use MOODLE was conducted in April 2020, it was attended by 20 Faculty members. A web training session was organized on URKUND and it was attended by 35 research students and teachers.
It is to be emphasized that the college had proactively taken steps to develop ICT based office and teaching processes, much before the Covid pandemic situation forced everyone to be on online mode. 67 Webinars were organised by all departments/ Associations during the lockdown period to connect students to the institution and for the productive utilization of the lockdown period.
Evidence of Success
The admission process was online. Many teachers completed workshops/training/FDP programmes on ICT tools. The college was ready to take on the challenge of the current year. Though the Covid pandemic compulsorily put the system on online mode, because of the training faculty received, the transition was smooth. The College conducted 2 International, 2 National, 1 state-level webinar.
Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College has partnered with the Coursera for Campus Program (from May 2020), both students and teachers effectively utilized the lockdown period and completed many courses under this program.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required
Changing the mindset was a challenge initially. As the faculty experienced ease with the technology, the practice was better accepted.
Best Practice: 2
Title of the Practice: Well -being of students
Objectives of the Practice:
To cater to the physical, mental, and emotional well -being of students. The intended outcomes were to successfully spread awareness in the campus about mental health, to provide a platform to the students to share their mental health experiences, create safe spaces, learn to deal with or seek support for their emotional difficulties.
The Context
To be more effective, Ruia College has partnered with ‘Round Glass Foundation’ for the mentoring activities. This resulted in the formation of a group of peer mentors who were trained in mentoring skills and mental health sensitization modules of 30 hrs duration with equal emphasis on training as well as practical assignments.
The Practice
1172 students have been initiated into the program, conducted on 8th and 9th July 2019 and 30 August 2019. The themes under well -being were Acclimatization to campus, Body shaming, Youth Substance Use and Gender Parity. The peer mentors initiated the first mental well-being club of Ruia College called Ruia Ripples Club. Their 1st activity was held on 27 October 2019, with the theme of Body-Shaming and Self Love, which had 30 participants.
Treasure Life event theme was Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention, based on the WHO mandate, was held on 17 December 2019. The event gamified the concepts of positive psychology for student engagement and promote positive behaviour practices, 58 participants participated in it. There was a Reachapp created, each student was assigned a health coach (mental health professional) so that they can reach out to them. This was especially beneficial during the lockdown period of uncertainty. All students of Ruia College were given access to this App.
Besides mental health, it was emphasized on students the importance of maintaining good physical health. The Student Council organized Happy Feet-Run for Fit India 5km marathon on 22 September 2019 and another 5km marathon called Dream Run on 8 December 2019, aimed at spreading the message of the importance of fitness.
The college has a Centre for Mindfulness and Well Being. The centre organised events for the benefit of students and faculty alike. Webinar on Practice the Pause was organized on 6th June 2020, which was aimed at delivering the meaning of meditation and its scientific importance. It was attended by 79 students and 11 faculty members.
A session on Yoga - Philosophy, Science and Practice was conducted on 8th June 2020 attended by 122 students and 6 faculty members, It Introduced Yoga philosophy, Science and relaxation techniques through lecture, practical, and demonstration of relaxation techniques.
On 13th May 2020, a webinar on music appreciation and its impacts on our well-being called A Date with Music was organised. It was attended by 120 students
To prevent any noise pollution and to maintain peaceful decorum in and around the college campus, a novel way of celebration called Silent Disco was organised on 24 December 2019, where students used wireless headphones. This event saw a footfall of more than 1000 students.
158 students participated in an online survey of Student's Response to Covid19 During Lockdown. The Objectives for conducting this survey were to know the well-being of students during the lockdown period; to find out from students what College can do for them/what they want from College and to find out how students are dealing with the Covid19 pandemic and related lockdown.
Besides this, during the lockdown period, the Principal of the College reached out to the students proactively with stoic as well as motherly warmth in the letters sent to students, which persuaded the students to have a positive attitude and face the situation with courage.
Evidence of Success
A peer-supported mental health community has been created to reach out to students. The students are aware of mental health issues and are reassured that they can seek help through either mentor-led, coach -supported or peer-supported interventions.
The session of Practice the Pause was successful in explaining meditation and its different types and how it is useful in life for stress reduction and mental well-being. Key takeaways included the importance of a calm and stable mind, significance of self-awareness and concentration and appropriate usage of personal insights or intuitions in difficult situations to excel in life. The participants also experienced peace and calmness during the demonstration activity in the webinar.
The outcome of the student's surveys activity was to know the well-being of the students, how they cope with their anxiety related to the lockdown. The College arranged webinars on topics that would make them feel connected to the subject and with each other, and on how to further their career prospects. Discussion platforms were also created as a fallout of the survey.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required
A dedicated team and professional help are needed to effectively implement the practice.
Entrepreneurship development and skill development activities
‘Ruia Cell for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship’ (RCIIE) Goal:
Skill development in the youth of India is one of the flagship initiatives of Government of India. Provide an immersive environment to introduce and familiarize students with a community of successful entrepreneurs, Provide visible examples of success, develop reference experiences for learning, build entrepreneurial confidence
Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, too, has made conscious efforts towards aligning its objectives of the higher education and training with the national initiatives of skill development in youth. The College has already initiated three skill-based initiatives under the DDU- KAUSHAL Kendra; BVoc programs in Green House Management, Pharma Analytical sciences and Tourism and Travel Management. These programs have been designed to enhance students’ skills for employability, to develop soft skills and specific technical skills so that the students can adapt to the changing circumstances, to foster and nurture their creative competencies. The KAUSHAL Kendra of the College primarily focuses on “Perform, Practice and Perfect” for developing various technical and soft skills.
The Context: To supplement the efforts in skill-based education the College has established the ‘Ruia Cell for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship’ (RCIIE) to encourage enquiry, sustain inquisitiveness, promote innovation, and nurture entrepreneurial skills among the students. Considering that the students at College are pursuing conventional degree course in Arts and Science faculties, the establishment of the Cell is a milestone in the Institution’s quest for excellence in teaching in training. The College also has an Intellectual Property Cell which has been sensitizing students about the importance of Intellectual Property.
The RCIIE undertakes the planning, coordination and implementation of various programs to meet the objectives of sensitizing students and encouraging entrepreneurial spirit amongst them. The RUSA grant that the College received with special focus on Entrepreneurship Cell and Skill Hub will significantly boost the Institution’s efforts in this direction.
The practice:
Entrepreneurship cell and skill hub
The College has setup an Entrepreneurship Cell and Skill Hub with the grants sanctioned under the RashtriyaUchhetarShikshanAbhityaan (RUSA). The activities under this initiative will be targeted mainly to sensitize and encourage the entrepreneurial spirit among the students of Arts and Science faculties. In its initial phase the students will be made more open to think as entrepreneurs and become future employers rather than employment seekers. This can be considered a paradigm shift for the students of the College who are conventionally trained only to completing their academic programs to earn a degree.
Evidence of success:
The College conducted following activities to sensitize and encourage entrepreneurship spirit amongst its students;
- Orientation programs for ideation and conceptualization of business plans
- Workshops to train students in making business plans and pitching them
- One to one mentorship sessions with domain experts
- Entrepreneurship based competitions and showcasing platforms for students
- Regular induction programs for new entrants and recruiting them to the entrepreneurship circuit
03rd Feb 2019, Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College has been identified as one of the centres for the digital launch of Entrepreneurship Cell and Skill Hub by the Hon. Prime Minister, ShriNarendraModiji. Various Entrepreneurship Development activities like Entrepreneurship awareness camp, Skill development programme, Expert talks are conducted through Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EAC).
2. To sensitize the students on human values
Goal: Education plays a vital role in the episteme of human existence. It incites a comprehensive approach towards what one would want to demarcate as human being and what are the values this being carries. In the contemporary scenario, when competition takes first position in the overall graph of sustenance as well as higher education, it is important to nourish the values that keep reminding us of our humanness and the significance of being human in the society. Therefore, concomitant to knowledge acquisition there is a need to inculcate human values on the campus. Considering this, Ruia College endeavors to execute various methods to nurture these human values both through curricula and the ambiance on the campus. The college takes several initiatives to enhance awareness about the same.
The aim of these activities is to:
- To create working and studying environment that promotes respect for human values
- To sensitize students about the significance of these values
- To provide students with a suitable ambiance that would inculcate such values
- Bridge the curricula and the notion of happiness in general
- Motivate students as well as faculties to endorse the human values through their work, study or way of living.
The context: The modern human is beset with many problems; the chief among them is the feeling of alienation and rootless. Questions about the meaning of life and one’s purpose in this world remain unanswered for a majority of the people. In the absence of correct understanding of one’s aim people face problems at the individual level, and at the level of family, society and nature. Ruia college aims at imparting skill sets that help students transforming into rational, responsible and thinking human beings who can take policy decisions for the welfare of masses without harming the coexistence with nature. Various lectures by the experts, workshops in
association with NGOs and session focusing on the above mentioned values help students to get sensitized and inculcate them in their real life.
The practice: Numerous activities were organized by different departments to achieve the above mentioned goals.
- Promotion of mental health, happiness and overall wellbeing – Ruia’s Centre for mindfulness and Wellbeing In collaboration with Samaritans, Mumbai (an NGO working in the field of suicide prevention) organized two expert sessions and one workshop.
- Ruia College with Samaritans, Mumbai organized a successful workshop on the 21st July, 2018 on the objective of building sensitivity. The topic for the workshop was ‘How to recognize signs for suicide and its prevention methods’.
- In this global world stress and conflicts have become an indivisible part of students life as well and they affect the overall academic performance of the students. To deal effectively with stress and conflicts, two different meditation techniques were taught to the students. One technique of guided meditation was taught by Ms. PoojaTidke. She also spoke about the benefits of the technique.
- Another meditation session on Jaina technique of Meditation was conducted by Mr. Jigesh Seth and Ms. Sangeeta. They explained the students the technique of ‘PrekshaDhyan’.
- Ruia College not only believes in the importance of inculcation of human values amongst their own students but also helps in promoting these values amongst other sections of the society whenever possible. A workshop on ‘Emotional Literacy and relationships’ was conducted by Dr. HimaniChaukar from Philosophy department on the 29th July, 2018 for the volunteers of the NGO - MaitriSamvad which works for school children in the rural area of Talasari, Maharashtra.
- Ruia College understands that in today’s world along with academics ‘out of box thinking’, critical thinking are equally important values for the overall development of students. So two separate sessions were organized On the 23rd and the 24th January, on ‘Critical Thinking’ and ‘Lateral Thinking and Mindfulness’.
Evidence of Success
All the above mentioned activities conducted by the college with students initiative and efforts, not only build group cohesiveness and develop a sense of satisfaction amongst students, but also helps students understand and appreciate the value of collective efforts. It also develops and enhances intra-departmental bonds and opens up new opportunities, as well as facilitates knowledge of newer concepts and approaches through group interaction.
Sessions by organizations like the Samaritans, highlighted the importance of mental health and that one must seek emotional well-being. It was explained that, need for help must be realised and one must seek help from the right person at the right time. At the same time, they appealed to students that; it’s important that one is empathetic towards the other person and develops listening skills, and such a person, must surely join hands in working towards mental health. Sessions on meditation helped in soothing emotional turmoil, negative thoughts and in helping each individual seek connect to his real self, at least for few moments. These moments away from one’s chaotic life, take one to a different realm. These activities were very much appreciated by the student community and it resulted in many students opting to do volunteering with Samaritas, Mumbai.
Mindfulness is living in the moment and not in the past or present unlike the tendency of human mind. It is crucial to ensure efficiency in words, thoughts and actions. Students understood the importance of inculcating these values and insisted that the college should start a formal course in these areas. In response to the demand of students, the college agreed to start a certificate course in ‘Critical Thinking’ from next academic year
Best Practice:1: Use of ICT in Academics and Governance
Objectives of the Practice:
It was a two-pronged objective; one was to achieve ease of transaction, transparency, and better governance through the use of ICT and the second was to use it in the teaching and learning process. The intended outcome was to bring our faculty as well as students abreast of global pedagogical tools.
The Context
ICT has made a mark in all fields of governance, pedagogy and administration. We need to take steps in taking everyone in that direction. The major challenge is to change the mindset and accept new things. So while designing and implementing this practice we took into confidence our office staff as well as teaching staff.
The Practice
Activity: To fulfil these goals, the college conducted a workshop on Digital Literacy on 22 May 2020 for 44 office staff. The admission processes were partially made online. The Institution procured Microsoft Teams for conducting lectures, meetings, and webinars.
A Short-Term Course on E-content development under RUSA in association with HRDC UGC, University of Mumbai was conducted from 19 to 25 November 2019, 31Faculty members attended it. A 3-days workshop on How to use MOODLE was conducted in April 2020, it was attended by 20 Faculty members. A web training session was organized on URKUND and it was attended by 35 research students and teachers.
It is to be emphasized that the college had proactively taken steps to develop ICT based office and teaching processes, much before the Covid pandemic situation forced everyone to be on online mode. 67 Webinars were organised by all departments/ Associations during the lockdown period to connect students to the institution and for the productive utilization of the lockdown period.
Evidence of Success
The admission process was online. Many teachers completed workshops/training/FDP programmes on ICT tools. The college was ready to take on the challenge of the current year. Though the Covid pandemic compulsorily put the system on online mode, because of the training faculty received, the transition was smooth. The College conducted 2 International, 2 National, 1 state-level webinar.
Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College has partnered with the Coursera for Campus Program (from May 2020), both students and teachers effectively utilized the lockdown period and completed many courses under this program.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required
Changing the mindset was a challenge initially. As the faculty experienced ease with the technology, the practice was better accepted.
Best Practice: 2
Title of the Practice: Well -being of students
Objectives of the Practice:
To cater to the physical, mental, and emotional well -being of students. The intended outcomes were to successfully spread awareness in the campus about mental health, to provide a platform to the students to share their mental health experiences, create safe spaces, learn to deal with or seek support for their emotional difficulties.
The Context
To be more effective, Ruia College has partnered with ‘Round Glass Foundation’ for the mentoring activities. This resulted in the formation of a group of peer mentors who were trained in mentoring skills and mental health sensitization modules of 30 hrs duration with equal emphasis on training as well as practical assignments.
The Practice
1172 students have been initiated into the program, conducted on 8th and 9th July 2019 and 30 August 2019. The themes under well -being were Acclimatization to campus, Body shaming, Youth Substance Use and Gender Parity. The peer mentors initiated the first mental well-being club of Ruia College called Ruia Ripples Club. Their 1st activity was held on 27 October 2019, with the theme of Body-Shaming and Self Love, which had 30 participants.
Treasure Life event theme was Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention, based on the WHO mandate, was held on 17 December 2019. The event gamified the concepts of positive psychology for student engagement and promote positive behaviour practices, 58 participants participated in it. There was a Reachapp created, each student was assigned a health coach (mental health professional) so that they can reach out to them. This was especially beneficial during the lockdown period of uncertainty. All students of Ruia College were given access to this App.
Besides mental health, it was emphasized on students the importance of maintaining good physical health. The Student Council organized Happy Feet-Run for Fit India 5km marathon on 22 September 2019 and another 5km marathon called Dream Run on 8 December 2019, aimed at spreading the message of the importance of fitness.
The college has a Centre for Mindfulness and Well Being. The centre organised events for the benefit of students and faculty alike. Webinar on Practice the Pause was organized on 6th June 2020, which was aimed at delivering the meaning of meditation and its scientific importance. It was attended by 79 students and 11 faculty members.
A session on Yoga - Philosophy, Science and Practice was conducted on 8th June 2020 attended by 122 students and 6 faculty members, It Introduced Yoga philosophy, Science and relaxation techniques through lecture, practical, and demonstration of relaxation techniques.
On 13th May 2020, a webinar on music appreciation and its impacts on our well-being called A Date with Music was organised. It was attended by 120 students
To prevent any noise pollution and to maintain peaceful decorum in and around the college campus, a novel way of celebration called Silent Disco was organised on 24 December 2019, where students used wireless headphones. This event saw a footfall of more than 1000 students.
158 students participated in an online survey of Student's Response to Covid19 During Lockdown. The Objectives for conducting this survey were to know the well-being of students during the lockdown period; to find out from students what College can do for them/what they want from College and to find out how students are dealing with the Covid19 pandemic and related lockdown.
Besides this, during the lockdown period, the Principal of the College reached out to the students proactively with stoic as well as motherly warmth in the letters sent to students, which persuaded the students to have a positive attitude and face the situation with courage.
Evidence of Success
A peer-supported mental health community has been created to reach out to students. The students are aware of mental health issues and are reassured that they can seek help through either mentor-led, coach -supported or peer-supported interventions.
The session of Practice the Pause was successful in explaining meditation and its different types and how it is useful in life for stress reduction and mental well-being. Key takeaways included the importance of a calm and stable mind, significance of self-awareness and concentration and appropriate usage of personal insights or intuitions in difficult situations to excel in life. The participants also experienced peace and calmness during the demonstration activity in the webinar.
The outcome of the student's surveys activity was to know the well-being of the students, how they cope with their anxiety related to the lockdown. The College arranged webinars on topics that would make them feel connected to the subject and with each other, and on how to further their career prospects. Discussion platforms were also created as a fallout of the survey.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required
A dedicated team and professional help are needed to effectively implement the practice.